For Trainees


If you are contacting your school on the first day of your absence, because the nature of your illness has not allowed you to do so in advance, please telephone and make sure you talk to someone in person. It is important that you do not just leave a message or send a text as it may take time for this to be picked up.

COVID-19 (These are subject to ongoing change)

If you test positive for COVID-19, please follow the advice below.

  • Stay at home until you test negative. If you are on placement or LATiS days, you should follow the school’s policy and return to school in accordance with it.
  • Inform your placement or LATiS school – see yellow box above.
  • Inform your Professional Tutor.
  • Email


  • Inform your placement or LATiS school – see yellow box above.
  • Inform your Professional Tutor. If they are due to visit, please try to ring them as well.
  • Email

For Schools (Trainee Unexpected Absence)

If a trainee is unexpectedly absent from their LATiS school (i.e., they haven’t informed school of their absence either in advance or by 9am on the day of the absence through the usual procedures), we ask that the school or the class teacher immediately notify the University.

Please contact the office on the following number and leave a voice message providing any details that may be important leading up to the unexpected absence:

023 8212 6534

An email may also be sent to with the same details.